**Environment:** Win XP, Browser Chrome 11, Screensize 1024x768, Viewport Size 640x480, Zoom 120% **Stage:** e.g staging, prod, nonprod, etc. **Codebase:** e.g. repo-branch at commit sha ---- **Summary** _1 sentence which describes the bug._ The label on the logout button is not correct. ---- **Expected Results** _Describe what should happen when this feature runs?_ The logout button should be labeled with "log off". ---- **Actual Results** _Describe what is actually happening when this bug is triggered._  The logout button is currently labeled as "logout". ---- **Steps to Reproduce** _Describe how to reproduce this bug._  - Start - ... - ... - ... - See bug here ---- **Source URL** _Where does this bug occur?_  [Link to the bug](https://linktobug.com) or description of the screen. ---- **Screenshots** _Please add a screenshot of the bug in action._ image1.png image2.png ---- **Logs, Exceptions** _Upload, link to, or copy / paste relevant logging of the bug._ ```Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT``` ---- **FYI:** @mention _stakeholders, relevant team members, or anyone else who might be impacted by this task's outcomes_