**Request** _Define the problem, not the solution. Designers are great at creative-thinking and providing options for solving problems._ Problem to be solved: _What problem are we aiming to solve?_ - A descriptive list is easier to read and understand than blocks of text - A descriptive list is easier to read and understand than blocks of text Is there anything else that needs to be known about this problem? Constraints? Risks? Do not hesitate to contact @productmanager or @someoneelse for clarity or to review the designs in-progress. ---- **Background** _Describe or link to any relevant information which informed the decision to create this task._ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula sodales tellus a mollis. Donec et arcu vitae odio euismod facilisis. - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet - JJT-xxxxx ---- **Deliverables** _What needs to be delivered upon completion of this task?_ Please provide: - Screenshots at all breakpoints uploaded via a comment below - Link to the Abstract / Figma / Sketch / etc... project - Inform @productmanager and @teamlead when this task is complete ---- **FYI:** @mention _stakeholders, relevant team members, or anyone else who might be impacted by this task's outcomes_