**Request** _Describe the desired action of this improvement_ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum volutpat tellus id viverra facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus orci eu ipsum rhoncus porttitor. Vivamus at leo nunc. Sed in lectus metus. ---- **Background** _Improvements usually have an origin story, describe that here_ In task JJT-xxxxx this feature was lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum volutpat tellus id viverra facilisis. ---- **Acceptance Criteria** _Provide acceptance criteria which serves as a definition of done. Learn how and why [here](https://medium.freecodecamp.org/the-acceptance-criteria-for-writing-acceptance-criteria-6eae9d497814)._ **Given** ... **When** ... **Then** ... **Given** ... **When** ... **Then** ... **Given** ... **When** ... **Then** ... ---- **How Might This Feature Look?** _Include a mockup, wireframe, or sketch if it will help convey what this task is requesting._ | Mobile | Desktop | | mobile-sketch.png | desktop-sketch.png | For more info:  - Design task: JJT-xxxxx - Abstract / Figma / Sketch / etc... project link: [https://app.goabstract.com](https://app.goabstract.com/)  ---- **FYI:** @mention _stakeholders, relevant team members, or anyone else who might be impacted by this task's outcomes_